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Beyond My Wants

I Can Take Care of Myself It was late. And dark. I was hungry and tired. I wanted only to eat and climb into my bed. Why do high school track meets end so late? Why is my son always in the last event? Doesn’t anyone realize it’s a school night?! My silent complaints were interrupted by my husband announcing that he would walk me to my car after we walked our son to his. I should have been grateful for a husband who cares about my safety, who wants to protect me. I should have smiled. I should have said “Thank you.” Instead, a deeply woven thread of self-reliance combined with irrational frustration over this six-minute delay fueled my curt response: “It’s okay. I can see my car from here. I’ll just walk to it by myself.” The exchange that followed was anything but loving. The heart, at its core I read the story a third time before setting down my devotional and closing my eyes. I knew God was speaking to me. Inviting me to sit with these words a bit longer before rushing off. Inviting

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